Graham Thomas Varietal Name: AUSmas; Deep Yellow David Austin Rose 1983, cupped bloom; Parentage: Charles Austin x Iceberg × seedling; tea fragrance.
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Graham Thomas at Kauri Creek NZ.File# D6914
Graham Thomas rose - a rich buttery yellow with cupped form and profusion of bloom ; this is a beautiful thing. I joined the Graham Thomas rose fan club, the first year I had it in my Auckland New Zealand garden. Later when my plant took off for the stratosphere and I needed a ladder to view it, I reconsidered. Its a wonderful rose in some climates - but not In Auckland New Zealand, not in my opinion, not past its first year. In Reno however, Graham Thomas is just gorgeous. Its still tall, but bushy and free flowering. It seems to need a decent winter to check its propensity to head for the skies.

File# D1240; Photographer: Regina
Still a favourite Graham Thomas composition. The colour is not atypical in this zone 6a/6b garden.
Its a more pale yellow in Reno, but grows and blooms better there than many other places.
Graham Thomas rose bush.....File# 025; Photographer: Regina
Pictured on a misty morning in the King's garden in the Sierra foothills.
NINE GRAHAM THOMAS ROSE PICTURES. These represent Graham Thomas pictures we have in our database, taken in various places and in different climates. Note the tendency for the bloom to fade in high heat - not an unattractive feature at all as the multi toning adds a pleasing dimension. These pictures are not clickable thumbnails.