The Gourmet Popcorn rose is an unassuming plant which was barely
noticeable its first few years in the ground, surrounded as it is by
such big eye-catching roses as Jeanne LaJoie, Tess of the D'Urbervilles
and Elmshorn. Then one day, one suddenly notices that it has built up
into a substantial plant.
After five years, Gourmet Popcorn is now about four feet tall and wide and loaded
with its trademark buds. The buds swell into little round white balls
which look just like popcorn kernels as the white begins to show,
exploding into delicious blooms. This plant has had to work hard to
attract notice in its somewhat out-of-the-way location, but instead of
being cowed by its much larger neighbors, it is proving itself equal to
the challenge.

Gourmet Popcorn rose bush centre stage with Tess of the D'Urbervilles to the left, Jeanne Lajoie to the right. Behind Dainty Bess, Elmshorn. File#d3317
~ Photography and comment from Christine, Reno, NV 2009 ~
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