Diablo is an unusual shrub rose imported from The Netherlands by Cliff
Orent of EuroDesert Roses. Its color and health in my garden has been
truly outstanding. Though not much information is available on its
size, after less than a year in the ground here, it is forming a low,
sprawling plant three and a half feet in diameter and a foot tall. It's
hard to know how it will mature, but I suspect a path blocker with this one.
Diablo rose blooms are a deep, pure red-orange, with the single petals
surrounding an exceptional eye of golden stamens. This rose positively
lights up its corner of the garden - quite an accomplishment for such a
young plant.

Diablo, File# D3390
~ Photography and comment from Christine, Reno, NV 2009 ~
See here for information regarding use of this rose picture.
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